Internal Regulations

 Internal Regulations

Rumah Ashna Vikram

1. Arrival times: 4 p.m. (depending on landing time)

Departure times: 10 a.m.

2. The number of tenants cannot exceed 6 people

3.  The deposit will be paid from the Stay/Boutique Deposit page of this site to block the reservation in your name. The balance will be paid on the day of arrival.


4. No refund of the deposit will be possible if for an external reason (delay/cancellation of aircraft, natural disaster, pandemic or political nature) your stay has to be cancelled. Only a postponement of the date will be possible.


5. If a delay of more than 24 hours in relation to the scheduled arrival date has not been reported by the tenant, the landlord may rightly try to re-rent the accommodation, and keep the full rental price already received.

6. It is strictly forbidden to “sublet”. All bookings must be honoured by the person who booked and sent a copy of their passport to attest to the validity of the booking.

7 . In the event of early termination of the stay by the lessee, and if the lessor’s liability is not called into question, no refund will be made.


8. Each responsible tenant must behave like a “Good Father”, respecting:

– the property: do not climb trees, or damage statues, furniture, etc …

– Staff considered at the same level as us

– The neighborhood by the respect of their sleep and the usual courtesies

– Local customs, during temple visits, wedding, cremation.

9. The installation of tents or derivatives of this nature is prohibited on the rental land

10. We decline all responsibility in the event of an accident (fall to a balcony, drowning, electrocution, road accident, natural disaster,..) of one of the tenants.

11. Although we love animals, pets are not allowed.

12. It is strictly forbidden to smoke in the buildings and around the pool


In the event of non-compliance with any of these, we give ourselves the right to dismiss you before the term, without refund.